Information gathering
Scope: (Linux)
TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports
- Open ports:
- 22/ssh:
- Banner grabbing
- Version: OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.1
- OpenSSH 9.4/9.4p1 (2023-08-10)
- Codename: jammy
- CVEs Version:
- Valid creds: cbrown:sn00pedcr3dential!!!
- Version: OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.1
- Banner grabbing
- 53/dns:
- Zone transfer
- Nameservers:
- ns1.snoopy.htb (
- ns2.snoopy.htb (
- Subdomains:
- mattermost.snoopy.htb (
- mm.snoopy.htb (
- postgres.snoopy.htb (
- provisions.snoopy.htb (
- www.snoopy.htb ( *
- Nameservers:
- Zone transfer
- 80/http:
- Banner grabbing
- Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
- Url scrapping:
- Domains: snoopy.htb, mail.snoopy.htb
- Web server:
- SnoopySec is a leading provider of DevSecOps tooling for web-based businesses
- Release package: http://snoopy.htb/download
- PDF announcement: http://snoopy.htb/download?file=announcement.pdf (SnoopySec’s DevSecOps tooling or to schedule a demo about: www.snoopy.htb)
- Contact info:
- Attention: As we migrate DNS records to our new domain please be advised that our mailserver ‘mail.snoopy.htb’ is currently offline.
- SnoopySec PR (pr@snoopy.htb)
- Form test
- User enumeration:
- Charles Schultz (Chief Executive Officer) (cschultz@snoopy.htb)
- Sally Brown (Product Manger) (sbrown@snoopy.htb)
- Harold Angel (CTO) (hangel@snoopy.htb)
- Lucy Van Pelt (Accountant) (lpelt@snoopy.htb)
- Banner grabbing
- http://mm.snoopy.htb (
- Mattermost version: 7.9.0 (X-Version-Id:
- NO valid credentials
- Password reset (need email)
- 22/ssh:
Vulnerability Assesment
- http://snoopy.htb/download?file=
(vulnerable to LFI)  - Insecure DNS update
- allow-update: allow-update defines an address_match_list of hosts that are allowed to submit dynamic updates for master zones
- We can update mail server records to enable the password reset service on “mattermost” (local)
- allow-update: allow-update defines an address_match_list of hosts that are allowed to submit dynamic updates for master zones
- Password reset send
- Remove “=3D” characters to valid token
- User: cschultz@snoopy.htb
- Password: password123$!
- Cbrown: “Hey everyone, I just created a new channel dedicated to submitting requests for new server provisions as we start to roll out our new DevSecOps tool”
- /server_provision command
- /server_provision command
- Remove “=3D” characters to valid token
- SSH-MITM (cbrown access) [cbrown:sn00pedcr3dential!!!]
- Cbrown enumeration
- Sudo binary like sbrown
- CVE-2023-23946
- CVE-2023-23946
- Sudo binary like sbrown
- Cbrown enumeration
- Sbrrown enumeration
- Sudo binary like root CVE-2023-20052
- DMG generator github
- Sudo binary like root CVE-2023-20052
Lateral movement
Proof of concept
- http://snoopy.htb/download?file= (vulnerable to LFI)
- DNS record update
- Password reset
- Script repository: