Home Sandworm Notes

Sandworm Notes

Sandworm Notes

Information gathering

Scope: (Linux)

TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports

  • Open ports:
    • 22/ssh (Secure Shell Protocol)
      • Banner Grabbing
        • Service
        • Authentication: (publickey, password)
      • Valid credentials
        • None
    • 80/http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
      • Banner Grabbing
        • Redirection: https://ssa.htb/ (
          • Add domain to Local DNS Server (/etc/hosts)
            • echo “ ssa.htb” | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
      • 443/https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)
        • Location: https://ssa.htb/
          • Banner Grabbing
            • Technologies
              • HTTPServer: Ubuntu Linux (nginx/1.18.0)
              • Jquery
              • Flask & trade
            • Web Interface
              • FIrefox
            • Posible user: atlas@ssa.htb
            • Url Scrapping
            • Directory enumeration:
              • https://ssa.htb/guide
                • PGP Encryption (Pretty Good Privacy): Encryption system used for both sending encrypted emails and encrypting sensitive files
                  • Generate key
                  • Then create message, signed it and export public key
                  • Finally use them in web service and we get valid verification
              • https://ssa.htb/pgp
              • https://ssa.htb/login
                • Valid credentials: None

Vulnerability assessment

  • In the signature verification result we view some output when we created out public key
  • In addition, from our enumeration we know that the site uses the flask framework to set up the web
    • SSTI (Server Site Template Injection)
      • Is possible when an attacker injects template directive as user input that can execute arbitrary code on the server
      • PoC: https://medium.com/@nyomanpradipta120/ssti-in-flask-jinja2-20b068fdaeee
        • We generate our public key, but this time we write on field that is reflected (Name) this: {{7*7}}
        • If we look at output 49, we will known that is vulnerable (VULNERABLE)
          • SSTI bash script Enumeration:
            • Mysql credentials:
              • mysql://atlas:GarlicAndOnionZ42@



  • System User (Atlas)
    • (Sandbox): A sandbox is a type of software testing environment that enables the isolated execution of software or programs for independent evaluation
      • Firejail: Firejail is a SUID sandbox program that reduces the risk of security breaches by restricting the running environment of untrusted applications using Linux namespaces, seccomp-bpf and Linux capabilities
    • Home directory enumeration (atlas)
      • HTTPie: Provides a simple http command that allows for sending arbitrary HTTP requests using a simple and natural syntax
      • ~/.config/httpie/sessions/localhost_5000/admin.json
        • Credentials: silentobserver:quietLiketheWind22 (system user /etc/passwd)
          • Web service login

Lateral movement

  • System credentials Reuse: silentobserver:quietLiketheWind22
    • Enumeration (silentobserver)
      • SUID files
        • Owner: Atlas user
          • /opt/tipnet/target/debug/tipnet
            • Dependencies files: /opt/tipnet/target/debug/tipnet.d
              • /opt/crates/logger/src/lib.rs (-rw-rw-r– 1 atlas silentobserver)
              • FIle modification Rust RCE:
          • /opt/tipnet/target/debug/deps/tipnet-a859bd054535b3c1
          • /opt/tipnet/target/debug/deps/tipnet-dabc93f7704f7b48
      • Process script (pspy.sh)
        • We can view the execution of Cargo and the previos Rust script (tipnet)and dependencies (tipnet.d):
          • Cargo is a default tool for managing dependencies in Rust
  • Reverse shell like user Atlas

Proof of concept

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