Home Keeper Report

Keeper Report

Information gathering

Scope: (Linux)

TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports

Vulnerability assessment


  • Valid SSH credential (Reuse Credentials) (lnorgaard:Welcome2023!)
    • Prevention
      • Inform the employer about good practices in the exposure and use of passwords


  • lnorgaard Enumeration
  • Use Puttygen tool to convert .ppk to .pem (open ssh id_rsa)
    • Prevention
      • Upload the latest version
    • Upcoming Keepass Security Preventions (July 2023)
      1. Perform direct API calls for getting/setting the text of the text box, avoiding the creation of managed strings in memory that can leak secrets.
      2. Create dummy fragments containing random characters in the process memory that will have approximately the same length as the user’s master password, obfuscating the real key.

Lateral movement

Proof of concept

  • CVE-2023-32784
    • Windows env (deploy windows virtual machine)
    • Linux env
  • Keepass password db access
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