Home Intentions Report

Intentions Report

Information gathering

Scope: (Linux)

TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports

  • Open ports:
    • 22/ssh:
      • Banner grabbing
        • Version: OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.1
        • Codename: jammy codename.py
        • CVEs Version: NIST
        • Valid creds:
          • greg:Gr3g1sTh3B3stDev3l0per!1998!
    • 80/http:
      • Banner grabbing
        • Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
        • Technologies
          • Nginx 1.18.0
          • X-XSS-Protection: Stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks
          • JavaScript
            • Frameworks:
              • VueJS/2.7.14 (latest: 3.3.4): No direct vulnerabilities
            • Libraries:
              • Axios: Not version
              • Core-js/3.27.1 (latest: 3.32.2): No direct vulnerabilities
              • Lodash/4.17.21 (latest: 4.17.21): No direct vulnerabilities
        • Cookies
          • XSRF-TOKEN: Cross-Site Request Forgery protection
          • intentions_session
        • (Image Gallery):
          • Web page interface (Login page)
          • Basic web scrapping: init_url_scrapping.txt
          • Registration enabled
            • Your Profile Upate feature and Yor feed
              • genres = “ ‘ “ -> 500 Internal server error (MySQL?)
              • This is a new feature to curate your personal feed! Input your favorite genres separated by commas.
                • Example: animals,food
                • Multiple values in a WHERE clause
                  • SELECT * FROM images WHERE genres IN (‘animals’,’food’);
      • Directory Fuzzing
        • /js/admin.js
          • “This will be a major security upgrade for our users, passwords no longer need to be transmitted to the server in clear text!”
          • “I’ve assigned Greg to setup a process for legal to transfer approved images directly to the server to avoid any confusion or mishaps”

Vulnerability Assesment

  • Multiple values in a WHERE clause + bypass SPACES:
    • input: ‘)/**/or/**/1=1#
    • Web admin users credentials (not crackeable)
      • steve:$2y$10$M/g27T1kJcOpYOfPqQlI3.YfdLIwr3EWbzWOLfpoTtjpeMqpp4twa
      • greg:$2y$10$95OR7nHSkYuFUUxsT1KS6uoQ93aufmrpknz4jwRqzIbsUpRiiyU5m
      • API v2 Login:
        • Edit image
          • system path: /var/www/html/intentions/storage/app/public/animals/ashlee-w-wv36v9TGNBw-unsplash.jpg
          • Google searching: “PHP Imagick vulnerabilities”
            • MSL stands for Magick Scripting Language. It’s a built-in ImageMagick language that facilitates the reading of images, performance of image processing tasks, and writing of results back to the filesystem.



  • (www-data) enumeration:
    • Git folder
      • Greg credentials: greg:Gr3g1sTh3B3stDev3l0per!1998!

Lateral movement

  • (greg) enumeration:
    • DMCA scanner binary (copyright) * With the flag “-l” we can obtain md5 hash of first x bytes of data and brute force any system file (root access)

Proof of concept

  • Database dump (python script)
  • Remote code execution (Magic Scripting Language)
  • File bruteforce (md5 challenge)

  • Repository: https://github.com/E1P0TR0
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.