Home Gofer Report

Gofer Report

Information gathering

Scope: (Linux)

TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports

  • Filtered ports:
    • 25/smtp (filtered)
  • Open ports:
    • 22/ssh:
    • 80/http:
      • Banner grabbing
        • Redirection http://gofer.htb/
          • Server version: Apache/2.4.56 (Debian)
          • User enumeration
            • Jeff Davis (Chief Executive Officer)
            • Jocelyn Hudson (Product Manager)
            • Tom Buckley (CTO)
            • Amanda Blake (Accountant)
      • http://proxy.gofer.htb (401 unauthorized)
        • HTTP Methods/Verbs fuzzing:
          • POST /index.php -> Missing URL parameter !
          • Server Side Request Forgery
            • Blacklist enabled
    • 139,445/smb:
      • Version: Samba 4.13.13-Debian
      • Banner grabbing
        • Windows 6.1 Build 0 (name:GOFER) (domain:htb) (signing:False) (SMBv1:False)
      • User enumeration
        • jdavis@gofer.htb
        • tbuckley@gofer.htb
        • RID cycling
      • SMB default session (shares)
        • /backup/mail
          • New subdomain: http://proxy.gofer.htb
          • “important documents will only be sent internally, by mail”
          • “use .odt format”
          • “web proxy will be more secure”

Vulnerability Assesment

  • SSRF (http://proxy.gofer.htb/index.php?url=)
    • Gopher protocol: communication protocol designed for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents in Internet Protocol networks
      • SMTP syntax: gopher://server_ip:server_port/_QUERY…
      • Payload generator (send mail)


  • OpenOffice document file (.odt): file format for word processing documents
    • Basic Write office macro to execute commands (libreoffice)
      • Tools -> Macros -> Organize macros -> basic -> new:
        • Assign -> events -> Open document
    • Share file and wait for jhudson to open the file


  • Tbuckley enumeration: [tbuckley:ooP4dietie3o_hquaeti]
    • /usr/local/bin/notes (ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable)
      • Ghidra analysis
        • Rewrite role to admin
        • Concept: “Occasionally, free can actually return memory to the operating system and make the process smaller. Usually, all it can do is allow a later call to malloc to reuse the space. In the meantime, the space remains in your program as part of a free-list used internally by malloc. https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Freeing-after-Malloc.html
        • With admin role, abuse path hijacking

Lateral movement

  • Jhudson Enumeration
    • Proxy authentication (.htpasswd)
    • Processes (pspy)

Proof of concept

  • SSRF (gopher protocol)
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