Home Drive Report

Drive Report

Information gathering

Scope: (Linux)

TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports

  • Open ports:
    • 22 (ssh)
      • SSH version: OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.9
        • Current (02-10-23): OpenSSH 9.5
      • Codename: focal-security
      • Version vulns:
      • Credentials: None
    • 80 (http)
      • Location: http://drive.htb/ (Doodle Grive)
        • Service:
          • Upload, Edit, Share files with your friends and more…
        • Server: Nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
        • Headers:
          • X-Frame-Options: clickjacking protection (<frame> or <iframe>)
          • X-Content-Type-Options: avoid MIME type sniffing
          • Referrer-Policy: control referer information
          • Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: prevents certain types of cross-origin attacks
          • More headers info: OWASP
        • Cookies:
          • csrftoken=QgynsdW5Uci6mC721ifQAi6lXGcFIMtb
            • Can prevent CRSF attacks
        • Technologies:
          • Bootstrap
          • JQuery 3.0.0
          • Django (Web framework)
          • Python
        • Emails:
          • customer-support@drive.htb
          • support@drive.htb
        • Users:
          • James Mason (Security Engineer)
          • Martin Cruz (Software Engineer)
          • Tom Hands (Relationship manager)
          • Cris Disel (Network Engineer)
        • Routes:
          • csrfmiddlewaretoken: Cross Site Request Forgery protection
          • /login
            • Username can’t be similar to the password
              • Password can’t contain username
                • marss:marss123 x
                • marss:m4rss123 v/
            • Min password length: 8 characters
          • /home (session [marss:mars1234])
            • Website users:
              • admin
              • jamesMason
              • martinCruz
              • tomHands
              • crisDisel

Vulnerability Assesment

  • http://drive.htb (session)
    • Endpoints enumeration
      • /file_id/getFileDetail (500:not-found,401:unauthorized(exists),200:my-files)
      • List unauthorized files:
        • Information leakage:
          • 79: martin server password
          • 101: Database compression backup file


  • Low privilege user enumeration:
    • User web hashes on database file (sqlite3)
      • Hashcat cracking
        • Hash type: Django (SHA-1)
    • Gitea service (Internal port 3000):
      • Credentials Reuse:
        • Database backup feature commit (Information Leakage)
        • Cracking more backup database hashes:
          • A valid password to SSH access


  • Low privilege user enumeration:
    • DoodleGrive self hosted cli tool (suid):
      • Readable strings:
        • username and password access
      • Local binary analysis (ghidra)
        • User input unique option:
        • Sanitization code:
        • SQLite3 rce method: load_extension() function
          1. Create malicious C code (simble reverse shell)
          2. Compile to library with gcc (on target machine)
          3. Input load sqlite function bypassing sanitization (char() function)
            • “+load_extension(char(46,47,109))+” (.\/m) * Export new PATH when receive the shell
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