Home Cozyhosting Report

Cozyhosting Report

Information gathering

Scope: (Linux)

TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports

  • Open ports:
    • 22/ssh:
      • Banner grabbing
    • 80/http:
      • Banner grabbing
        • Server: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
      • Follow redirect: http://cozyhosting.htb
        • Technologies
          • Bootstrap (v5.2.3)
          • Lightbox
          • Java
          • Php
          • Spring Boot Error Handling
        • Headers
          • UncommonHeaders[x-content-type-options]
          • X-Frame-Options[DENY]
          • X-XSS-Protection[0]
        • Cookies
          • JSESSIONID:6F6CD9A616392EDF4F057FC29B5FC88A (JavaServer Pages (JSP) or Servlet)
      • Directory Fuzzing
        • Spring wordlist
          • /actuator
            • Actuator mean: Monitoring our app, gathering metrics, and understanding traffic or the state of our database becomes trivial with this dependency
            • /sessions Spring actuator enpoints
        • file: content/dir_fuzzing
      • Login access
        • Kanderson JSESSIONID:704023E2CCDB8CC82763F23F2952F001
    • 7777/cbt (Core-Based Tree):
      • Network-layer multicast routing protocol [BFC93]
      • Known Unauthorized Use on port 7777 [IANA]
    • 8083/us-srv:
      • Utilistor (Server), registered 2005-08 [IANA]
  • Filtered ports:
    • None

Vulnerability Assesment

  • Burpsuite
    • SSH backend response
  • Command Injection: ${IFS} bypass
    • Remote code execution


  • App user access
    • Web Java file analysis (cloud_hosting.jar)
      • Spring boot folder structure
        • application.properties: Properties file for configuring Spring Boot settings.
        • Postgres credentials:
        • Postgres access
          • Credentials Offline cracking: kanderson:manchesterunited


  • Josh user
    • Privileged binaries
      • (root) /usr/bin/ssh *
        • SSH options:
          • ProxyCommand works by forwarding standard in and standard out (stdio) through an intermediate host
          • Example: ssh -o ProxyCommand=”ssh -W %h:%p <jump server>” <remote server>
          • Inyecting interactive Bash payload

Lateral movement

Proof of concept

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