Home Clicker Report

Clicker Report

Information gathering

Scope: (Linux)

TCP Nmap scan: 65,535 ports

  • Open ports:
    • 22/ssh:
    • 80/http:
      • Banner grabbing
        • Server: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)
      • Follow redirect: http://clicker.htb/
        • Services:
          • The clicker game
        • Technologies
          • Bootstrap v4.3.1
          • PHP
        • Headers
          • None
        • Cookies
          • PHPSESSID=q790rl9f70uasg0i39ib7pgth4 (dynamic)
        • Emails
          • None
        • Users
          • None
      • Directory Fuzzing
        • file: content/dir_fuzzing
        • register.php && login.php:
          • Acccount created: marss:marss
      • Subdomains
        • None
      • Code analysis (clicker.htb)
        • save_game.php
        • db_utils.php
        • authenticate.php
        • index.php
    • 111/rpcbind,2049/nfs:
      • Data available to mount: /tmp/backups (Webpage content)
        • clicker.htb
    • Unknown
      • 32791,43287,43905,46507,56687
  • Filtered ports:
    • None

Vulnerability Assesment

  • CRLF (Carriage Return && Line Feed)
    • Bypass $_GET request input data
      • Local testing (index.php)
        • Valid injections: %0d%0a…,%0a…,…%0d%0a,…%0a
  • Remote Code Execution
    • Code injection on “nickname” variable (save_game.php)
    • Exporting file (no extension check)


  • CRLF (Carriage Return && Line Feed)
    • Change User rol to Admin role
    • Login again to load profile (authenticate.php)
  • PHP code injection to RCE
  • www-data enumeration
    • SUID binary (Jack user)
      • Code analysis
        • With an invalid option we can insert any file to save in “sql_file” variable and then read it
          • sql_file = create.sql
          • /usr/bin/mysql -u clicker_db_user –password=’clicker_db_password’ clicker -v < /home/jack/queries/”sql_file”
        • Read private id_rsa key (jack)


  • Jack enumeration
    • SUID binary (monitor.sh)
      • SETENV: set own enviroment variables
    • /opt/monitor.sh
      • Perl script
        • ENVIRONMENT: (perlrun)
          • PERL5OPT: environment variable allows specifying command-line options (-[CDIMTUWdmtw])
          • PERL5DB: load debug code

Lateral movement

Proof of concept

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